Tuesday 14 April 2009

About the SSF and it's objectives

Here's a wee bit about the SSF,

The Scottish Surfing Federation guides the development of the abilities of Scottish surfers to raise the level of performance of Scottish surfers.

The Scottish Surfing Federation will also look to give local clubs the backing that they need while facing any local issues which may impact on their environment. This backing will allow the Scottish community to protect the natural beauty of Scotland through the communities pulling together as one.

The objectives of the SSF are:-

To promote the Scottish surfers and protect Scottish waves.

To establish the Scottish Surfing Federation (SSF) as a focal point to manage and administer in an effective manner the development of the sport of surfing on a Scotland-wide basis.

To unite existing Scottish surf clubs and Scottish surfers under the administrative umbrella of the SSF.

To provide a central reference point with sufficient information and resources to assist and guide those wishing to partake in the sport of surfing in Scotland.

To provide a focal point for Members by holding regular contests and social events when and where agreed.

To represent the interests of the Scottish surfers.

To ensure future Scottish surfers develop respect for local environment, local surfer’s and local surf spot’s.

To allow a structured path of development and funding that will enable Scottish surfers with the ability and determination to compete in local, national and international competitions.

To ensure larger long term SSF plans are discussed ‘across the board’ before the go ahead is given.

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